IASP Foundation



The IASP FOUNDATION is a charitable organization aimed at providing much needed assistance to the vulnerable individuals of the Sikanduko community.

Modern Healthcare

We aim to provide modern and adequate healthcare facilities for the Sikanduko community.

Recreational Facilities

Professional athletes are skilled because they had access to professional sports facilities when growing up. The Sikanduko community is in need of up-to standard recreational facilities.

Education Facilities

Education is a birth rigth, every child should have access to adequate educational facilities.


The Sikanduko community is in need of healthcare facilities, medication and youth development programmes. Donations received from you will go towards building a community clinic and a recreational facility for the youth. The clinic is to function on a 24/7 basis and is expected to serve approximately 3 048 people in this community, as well as those in nearby villages. The recreational youth facility is to help stir focus in nurturing local talent and avoidance of drugs by youth.


The IASP FOUNDATION aims to provide assistance to uplift the living conditions of the Sikanduko community, which in term will result in youth development, avoidance of drugs, locally nurtured talent as well as prolonged lifespans.


The IASP FOUNDATION enhances the livelihood of the less fortunate. The aim is to provide assistance to the Sikanduko community in the following capacities:

  • Recreational facilities
  • Modern healthcare


To utilize the funds and support contributed with the outmost efficiency in providing the Sikanduko community with a youth recreational park and a practical 24/7 clinic.


Educational health programmes which will include:

  • Recreational facilities
  • Modern healthcare

Youth soccer tournaments

Information of higher learning for Grade 12’s


The Sikanduko community is in need of healthcare facilities, medication and youth development programmes. Donations received from you will go towards building a community clinic and a recreational facility for the youth. The clinic is to function on a 24/7 basis and is expected to serve approximately 3 048 people in this community, as well as those in nearby villages. The recreational youth facility is to help stir focus in nurturing local talent and avoidance of drugs by youth.